Please email [email protected] unless there is an alternative email address below.
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President - Ursula Smith
Vice Chair - Natalie Kelly Coaching Lead - Sarah Hancock Joint Treasurer - Jess Mountford Joint Treasurer - Hannah Geal EN Player Development Lead - Amy Mountford Tournament Lead - Stacey Taylor Stoke League Representative - Laura Bevans NetballHer Champions - Gemma Finney, Angela Lickorish Co-opted Members - Laura Colclough, Diane Furnival, Sheetal Walklate, Laura Bevans, Jill Hulme, Sammi Clewlow Publicity Lead - Vacant |
Committee Members:
Netball Development Officer Charlotte Follos [email protected] Co-opted Members Gemma Finney Diane Furnival Laura Bevans Jill Hulme Stafford & District League Rep - Becky Nott Stoke League Rep - Sam Oliver Laura Colclough Chris Lowndes Life MemberPat Arnott
Representative from each Staffordshire League Stoke-on-Trent Netball League [email protected] Stafford Netball League Facebook Page Staffordshire Junior League [email protected] |